Saturday, March 04, 2006

Guess What is Coming Here For You ?

It is something new apart from the pangs of my IIM journey you will get to read from this blog now onwards.
So guess what I am coming with ???

MOVIE REVIEW -----NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! (Provided there is no other RDB will release soon)
BOOK REVIEW -------No I am definitely not THAT GREAT to review works of great minds.

So what left ……I will call it as SHARING A JOY OF READING

I am reading and going through lot many materials that touches many management areas so will like to share with you gist of what I gained from it.
You may not be a ASPIRING MANAGER to read this. In fact I am sure you will get interest in these toppics even if your are reluctant towards management.

Here comes something interesting I learn and like from the last week'sCOQ I attended.

The Parable of the Broken Window

I like this funda, definitely not due to it is outcome of some undesirable things but it proves that every cloud have a silver lining.

Yes….disaster like tsunami are really cost all the mankind badly but still if you look beyond, it is fueling growth in the affected areas and friends this is nothing but the
Beauty of the Economics.

One more good thing that happened this week is I purchased 9 bestsellers in management (Good news for you is, you don’t need to purchase them….as I am going to share it will you ) and thanks to the TCS professional membership policy I dare to pay the bill also.

Here is the list

The Future of India --------------------Bimal Jalan
The End of Poverty---------------------Jeffery Sachs
8th Habit ------------------------------- Stephen Covey
Smart Leadership-----------------------Gita Piramal
The Tipping Point-----------------------Malcolm Gladwell
The Fortune at the Bottom of The Pyramid --Prahalad
Good to Great ---------------------------Jim Collins
Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance-----Louis Grestener
The World is flat ------------------------Thomas Fredmans

I don’t know how much of it I can cover next coming days as schedule is already packed with the IIM encounters but still something like The Parable of the Broken Window will not allow me to hold for longer time, so stay tuned.


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