Thursday, December 22, 2005

XAT-2006 I am coming

After the D-day on the 20/11/2005 thrown me on the edge of the CALL or NOCALL situation it was natural that the next 5 weeks goes in pondering over the if and but and breaking my head over the all possibilities finally I chosen my way.
First I thrown the all possibilities and the CUT OFF speculation to the dust bin and pulled up my socks for the next encounter and that's the XAT 2006.
Thanks to the 3 XAT papers give by IMS which will help me to identify the GRAY AREAS that I need to work on.
There will be 2 long weekends coming over next 2 week with some parties and picnics around the corner it will hard to stick to the books but I need to show some managerial guts by managing hard work with fun.....
After all I am shaping LEADER OF TOMORROW.


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