About the DESTINATIONI always found some qualities(some inborn and some intentionally acquired) inside me which always inspire me to go ahead in my field of interest. When I was in college I realized that I can bank on these qualities to build a successful career in the field of management.
So I decided my final destination as MANAGEMENT CAREER.....
Why MBAThis is favorite question for the aspirant facing a MBA interview and have varied answers.
For me MBA is value addition which metamorphose me from technocrat (Don't u think a clerk can best fit here?) of today to leader of tomorrow.
I know the good course from a reputed university will have no substitute here.
But should that be enough ?
Definitely not otherwise many great leaders haven't marked the pages of history.
I know one need to build oneself so that one can survive against the vagaries of time.
So journey should start from SELF.
I will rather say the first lesson of the management is SELF MANAGEMENT.
Why BlogThere are many reasons to start this blog few are listed below
1. I am inspired by Eric and his blog
Beat the GMAT the way this guy keep the track of his GMAT prep and helped many others like me.
2. I realized there should be some tracking mechanism and found blog as best suited for this purpose.
3. I strongly believes "Success is not only the Destination but the Journey towards it". So just thought to share the joy of this journey with you.
What for YOU1. I will be sharing my experiences about the preparation and about various tests.
2. I will update you about the happening in the areas of the ECONOMY and BUSINESS.
3. There will be some interesting articles and the discussions happening around for which you can get link from this blog.
So friends stay tuned.....