Monday, April 03, 2006

My Vision, Mission and Values.

When I started this Blog, there were few things I want to focus in my future posts. In one of my previous post I started a Self Management exercise to weed out some problems in my personality and to excel in self-management. The reason for this initiative was every good thing should start from you and excellence in management is also one of it. But somehow this initiative took back seat due to my indulgence in CAT GD/PI preparation. Thanks to my self-analysis and mistakes I committed until now I came to know about the holes in my personality and feel strong urge to work on them.

I was just thinking on from where I should start but thanks to the pondering mentioned in my last post, which helped me to start from defining vision, mission and values for myself. Someone of you might feel that I am going one step further by disclosing this publicly but reason do so is crystal clear, I just want all of your to know it so in case I digress from my way you will help me to come back on track.


With continuous learning and optimization approach live a life such as God should proud on his creation.


To equip myself with knowledge and skill to build a successful career which will enable me with ability and power to serve the society.


1. Continuous learning and building a complete personality.
2. To optimize under given circumstances to perform at best.
3. Knowing, accepting and learning and developing approach.
4. Affecting the conditions rather than getting affected by it.
5. Strengthening myself so as I can effectively help others in need.


At 9:18 PM, Blogger vaasu said...

As a whole..u taking control of your life..rather than life taking control of you..:)

All the very best..Wish you a successful future..

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody sometimes in his/her life comes to a situation to opt either this or that at least one.Unless and until you know the reason of our existence,you wander here and there.just wasting time..
One should have clear vision of what he want in his should ask himself What's the PURPOSE of his/her life ? Then you get your Vision, Mission and Values.
Afterall ,bGreat Mind Have Purpose While Others Just Have Wishes.
Best Of Luck Rushi.


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