Saturday, March 25, 2006

My First Consulting Project: Rejuvenating SPANDAN

Last three days I was speculating on my fortune which is soon going to get decided by IIMs in near future. I thought the best strategy to get rid of the impatients about the results is to bring some ‘I don’t care’ attitude but soon realized that this is something that I couldn’t do in 24 years of my life so how it is possible to do in 24 days ? Hence I skipped that idea. Then I decided I will keep me busy with something challenging task which will not allow me to look beyond that. When I look around I realized there is nothing interesting to do in my current job as already counting my days to get release out of it
I realized that my group SPANDAN is not in good shape and there are many things I can do to rejuvenate it. Last 8-9 months I haven’t contributed much for SPANDAN as I was busy with my IIM mission.
I deecided to metamorphose SPANDAN and to rejuvenate it completely in next 2 month. Thus first consulting challenge is ready for me before a set to join MBA.
Rejuvenating SPANDAN.


At 8:10 PM, Blogger God Krishna said...

dude.. your atitude to life is truely remarkable... u will surely convert all six... my best wishes to u... i am humbled by your ability to take mistakes in your step forward... ur emotional maturity is truely remarkable...


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