Alvida Ahmedabad !!!
Finally its time to say bid adieu to Ahmedabad !!!
Every good thing have to end and so is my stay at the WIMWI. The place gave me more than what I asked.
Today when I was wandering around with my clearance form my legs were not moving with the usual speed. I was not whistling my favorite music tune while passing through 132 feet underpass. When I took the final sign on the form it was all ended !!! I looked at LKP and it took me down my memory lanes.
A guy had a dream to do MBA, he was not sure where that dream will take him. One thing he was sure that he would not settle anything other than the best. His efforts got paid off after 3 years of hard work and perseverance. He got admission to none other than Best B-School. All this made IIMA a far more valuable for him than anyone else and today the same thing is making it more difficult for him while he is leaving this place.
The two years here are really great time of my life. Though I am leaving all that behind to move ahead the memories will always remain with me.
Alvida Ahmedabad !!! Alvida IIMA :)